How is it spread?

Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria & transmitted via mucus. The bacteria can live harmlessly in the throat & nose of around 20% of people at any one time, without them ever becoming ill (known as "healthy carriers"). In fact, all of us will carry the bacteria at some stage of our lives.

The bacteria is spread by activities such as sneezing, coughing, intimate kissing & sharing food or drinks. Close contact environments such as day care centres, parties & night clubs make it easier for the bacteria to spread. For example at night clubs - the risky combination of crowding, smoking, kissing, sharing drinks & shouting above the noise can all disperse tiny droplets into the air which can then be inhaled by someone close by.

The bacteria can only live for a short amount of time outside the body, even if you do pick them up it doesn't necessarily mean you will become ill. The danger only occurs if you pick up a strain you don't have an immunity to - or if your immune system is weakened and cannot cope.

*Please note, I AM NOT a doctor or health professional. The information on this site has been sourced from other websites. This site is about our son's journey through meningococcal - not anyone else's, if you require any information or medical help please contact your local health professional or hospital. We take no responsibility for advice taken from this story, as I said this is OUR story.
We are not affiliated with any websites, charities or hospitals mentioned on here - we just appreciate the work that they do, more than they will ever know.

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