Tuesday 24 September 2013

5 months on...

Its only now 5 months on that I am able to share this story with everyone. Up until now when people have asked me about what happened, as much as I am happy to tell them - & raise awareness - I have not been able to hold back the tears. I know what I went through & how I felt about the whole thing but it kills me inside to think about what Lucas went through & how he felt. So young and so helpless.

I look back now & as soon as I saw the dots on Lucas' neck I thought that it was meningococcal, but in that same second I thought "it wont be, that won't happen to us". We've all done it - that wont happen to us - you see that on TV & think "oh, that poor family" - never actually thinking that could be your family.

Questions ran through my head the whole time  - could I have done something more, could I have been a better mother & protected him from this, why him? And they still do today, even though Lucas has made a full recovery - to look at him you would never know anything ever happened - still in the back of my mind those questions will always be there, even though the doctors said I had done the best thing for him & got him there early enough so he survived. He was just unlucky enough to catch it but so lucky at the same time to survive.

I think about what Lucas went through every day & there isn't a second that goes by that we are not grateful to still have him here with us. We definitely have a guardian angel watching over us. Unfortunately others are not so lucky, early treatment is the key. I cannot stress how much every minute counts with meningococcal disease, it spreads so fast - someone could be fine one minute & dead a few hours later. Blunt, but true. I will say it now & many times throughout this story, always trust your instincts & consult a doctor or your local hospital if you have any concerns.

Please read Lucas' Journey & be aware of the signs & symptoms - I hope that no one you know will ever catch meningococcal disease - & heaven forbid if they do, that they are as lucky as Lucas.


We would like to thank all of our family & friends for their ongoing support throughout, we appreciate it more than you know xxx

*Please note, I AM NOT a doctor or health professional. The information on this site has been sourced from other websites. This site is about our son's journey through meningococcal - not anyone else's, if you require any information or medical help please contact your local health professional or hospital. We take no responsibility for advice taken from this story, as I said this is OUR story.
We are not affiliated with any websites, charities or hospitals mentioned on here - we just appreciate the work that they do, more than they will ever know.